ADHD - Better Beliefs - Jim Livingstone - ADHD Optimist

ADHD - Better Beliefs - Jim Livingstone - ADHD Optimist


I struggled with undiagnosed ADHD for forty-six years, feeling like I didn't fit in anywhere.

Since my ADHD diagnosis, I have spent the past twenty-six years reading, researching and testing every aspect of adult ADHD with the desire to become the very best version of myself.

Here are a few things I’ve learned along the way….

ADHD - Better Beliefs



Your Beliefs fuel the engine that drives your life.


It is a thought or idea that you believe to be true. Your beliefs are your options for how things are, but this does not mean your opinions are correct. 


In any project, the critical factor is your belief. Without belief, there can be no successful outcome. 

William James 1842 – 1910 

Think about that statement for a moment. Why is it that over 90% of people who go to seminars, read books, listen to podcasts and watch YouTube videos try to implement the knowledge they have been given but fail to change or permanently improve their lives in any substantial way?

They all received the same information, directions, tactics, and strategies from the same teacher in the same format.

It is because even the best advice, knowledge, and intention can't overcome your limiting beliefs.

Beliefs Create and Beliefs Destroy


Your beliefs can hold you back or propel you forward. Outdated and limiting beliefs stop you from living up to your full potential and separate you from your spiritual self.

A belief acts as a guiding principle for your behaviour and underpins your philosophy. It is your north star.

Your beliefs impact every area of your life. What you consciously and subconsciously believe affects your

o Point of view

o Judgment

o How you interrupt events or challenges

o Lifestyle choices

o Health and vitality

o Decisions, actions, or procrastination

o Behaviours and habits

o Wealth and prosperity

o Integrity and ethics

o Thoughts and feelings

o Values

o Mindset

o Attitude


Limiting beliefs are behind every doubt and fear, and we use excuses to justify our limiting beliefs.

Replace beliefs that limit you and strengthen beliefs that empower you.

It doesn’t have to be hard or slow to override a false limiting belief.


7 Steps to Change Your Beliefs…Change Your Life

Make the process of altering your beliefs an exciting adventure that is leading you towards amazing experiences filled with positive emotions.


1. Write your limiting core belief; Select ONE limiting core belief that stands between you and your goals and dreams. Choose the belief that will have the biggest positive impact on your life when you change it. It could be your physical or mental health, your career, or your financial situation.



2. List all related beliefs; Write down in five to ten minutes the beliefs that support your core belief above. Don’t worry if you don’t get them all, the most important ones will automatically come to mind. There is no right or wrong way to do this; just start and go with the flow.

……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………Download Your 7 Steps Worksheet

7 Steps to Change your Beliefs.pdf166.06 KB • PDF File

Just in case you missed this last week, you can download a copy.

ADHD Optimist MINDSET - V.p.pdf98.06 KB • PDF File

“Most people believe their doubts and

doubt their beliefs”.

 Tony Robbins

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Expect the Best,

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