The ADHD Optimist - Jim Livingstone

Tips, tools and techniques.

Hello, and welcome aboard the ADHD Express.

I grew up feeling like the odd one out. After forty-five years of trying to fit in, I was finally diagnosed with ADHD.

Since my diagnosis, I have spent the last twenty-five years researching and actively testing a massive amount of ADHD information.

Here are a few things I’ve learned along the way…

How Optimism, Can Improve Your Life

Life without optimism would be extremely challenging and, for some people, potentially life-threatening. Before my later-in-life diagnosis, I went through a stage where I just survived. I drank to extremes and barely functioned at work. Finding my way out started with adopting an optimistic mindset.

Optimism isn’t about wearing rose-coloured glasses; instead, it’s a practical approach to life that encourages a positive yet realistic outlook about our experiences and our future.

We can use optimism as emotional armour against inevitable setbacks and trials. A study from the University of Pennsylvania found that individuals who adopted an optimistic mindset were better equipped to deal with stress and adversity, implying that optimism can enhance emotional resilience in adults with ADHD.

The Benefits of Optimism

  • Disruption is a constant in our lives. Optimism plays a critical role in promoting cognitive flexibility. Being flexible is a benefit for managing ADHD.

  • Optimistic individuals are more likely to find creative solutions to the problems ADHD may pose.

  • Optimism helps in reframing challenges as opportunities for growth, fostering a mindset that is more adaptable to change.

  • Optimism encourages emotional agility, allowing us to navigate the highs and lows with greater ease and to recover from setbacks with a persistent, positive outlook.

    Here are a couple of links to get you started

“Optimism doesn’t mean that you are blind to the reality of the situation. It means that you remain motivated to seek a solution to whatever problems arise.”— The Dalai Lama

Why Self-Discipline is Good for You.

Many of us were raised with shame-based perceptions of discipline – it involved punishment for being ‘bad’, and we may have felt judged or rejected. That is NOT self-discipline.

  • Self-discipline is a form of self-care and the cornerstone of character and living a successful life.

  • Self-discipline is also a form of freedom. Freedom from laziness and lethargy, freedom from the expectations and demands of others, freedom from weakness and fear or doubt.

  • All self-discipline begins with the mastery of your thoughts. If you don't control what you think, you can't control what you do.

  • Self-discipline means self-control, self-mastery, and the ability to have “dinner before dessert.”

  • The key word is “delay.” It is the ability for you to delay immediate pleasure or gratification in the present to enjoy greater rewards down the road.

  • The payoff for practising self-discipline is immediate. Whenever you discipline yourself and force yourself to do the right thing, whether you feel like it or not, you will like and respect yourself more.

  • Your self-esteem increases. Your self-image improves. Your brain releases dopamine and endorphins, which make you happy and proud. You get a payoff every time you hold your feet to the fire.

The freedom to be a master of your thoughts and emotions is ultimately worth more than any temporary gratification you’re depriving yourself of. Remember, we are not looking for perfect, continuous progress is the goal.


This week’s challenge, should you decide to accept it, is to try 

Five Minutes of Daily Meditation.

This is the book I am currently writing, and I would like you to share the journey. I would love to hear your story and, with your consent, include it in the book, newsletter, or articles.

Each week, I will detail my ADHD writing challenges and results to get the chapters and content roughed out. Then start on the first manuscript draft.

I will insert a link Read more. for those interested in being involved. I just have to work out how to do that! . I am still working on it. Yep still sorting it out!

 I am setting up a new page on my website,

I have finished the very rough draft for all the chapters. Next week I will start on rewriting and editing Chapter 1.

Sharing your trials and tribulations helps everyone understand and accept we are all a bit different…together. Click here. 

Readers Review

“Jim Livingstone shows that having a so-called "Guru" is not necessary; only sound guidance is. The book is an excellent tool for helping you sift through the overwhelming online nonsense on ADHD. It provides detailed instructions and a positive approach to improving your condition”.



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Millions Of Adults Are Diagnosed With ADHD—But Few Find Solutions Needed To Thrive…

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“I tested ADHD Positive”.

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If you’ve got a second, I would love to hear your thoughts and comments. [email protected]  I reply to every email.

This site is not intended to provide and does not constitute medical, legal, or other professional advice. The content in this newsletter is designed to support, not replace, medical or psychiatric treatment. Please seek professional help if you believe you may have Mental Health Issues.


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