The ADHD Optimist - Jim Livingstone (1)

Mind Mapping Benefits.

Hello, and Welcome

I grew up feeling like the odd one out. After forty-five years of trying to fit in, I was finally diagnosed with ADHD.

Since my diagnosis, I have spent the last twenty-five years researching and actively testing a massive amount of ADHD information.

Here are a few things I’ve learned along the way…

Be an ADHD Optimist

Optimism isn't just about expecting the best—it's also about being resilient when faced with the worst.

For adults with ADHD, whose lives can be peppered with unexpected changes and challenges, the ability to adapt is paramount.

Optimism encourages emotional agility, allowing individuals to navigate the highs and lows with greater ease and to recover from setbacks with a persistent, positive outlook.


If someone tells me something, I can struggle to absorb the details and the correct sequences of events. I learn best visually, and mind maps are a great tool to help my ADHD mind learn and retain information. I also find it great as a prompt or reminder.

I am currently learning Canva and find it easy to understand and use, especially for a non-tech person who didn’t grow up with the internet or mobiles.

Here are some of the benefits of mind mapping

  1. Visual Thinking: ADHD often comes with a penchant for visual or creative thinking, and mind mapping taps directly into that strength. It allows individuals to visualize thoughts and ideas in a non-linear manner, which can be more intuitive than traditional outlining methods.

  2. Organization: The structure of a mind map mimics the way the brain naturally organizes information. For an ADHD adult who may struggle with organizing thoughts and tasks, mind mapping provides a clear visual organization method that can be easier to follow and understand compared to lists or paragraphs.

  3. Attention Management: With ADHD, keeping attention on a task can be challenging. Mind maps, with their engaging and colourful design, can help maintain focus. They offer a sort of "information playground" where the ADHD mind can explore ideas without the restraint of a sequential format.

  4. Big Picture and Details: Mind maps allow users to see the big picture of a project or idea while also having the ability to focus on smaller, individual parts. This can accommodate the ADHD tendency to hyperfocus on details as well as the need to understand how those details fit into a larger context.

  5. Idea Generation: An ADHD brain is often a powerhouse for creativity and idea generation. Mind mapping encourages the brainstorming process and captures ideas as they flow, which can be especially useful during hyperfocus periods.

  6. Memory Aid: Visual cues in a mind map can serve as mnemonic aids, helping individuals with ADHD remember information through the use of colours, symbols, and images that can trigger recall.

  7. Enhancing Learning: For those with ADHD, the interactive process of creating a mind map can enhance learning and comprehension as the physical act of drawing the map can aid in the retention of information.

  8. Reducing Overwhelm: Breaking down tasks or ideas into smaller, more manageable pieces is a key strategy used by ADHD adults to reduce feelings of being overwhelmed. Mind maps naturally break down large concepts into smaller chunks, easing the stress associated with large projects or complex topics.

  9. Flexibility: Mind mapping is an inherently flexible technique. You can start with basic structure and add to it over time, which suits the variable attention span and level of detail that an individual with ADHD might bring to a task.

  10. Task Management: It can also be used as an effective planning and productivity tool, helping individuals with ADHD manage tasks, set goals, and prioritize what needs attention

“Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn.”

Benjamin Franklin

Walking Meditation to Calm Your ADHD Mind

Walking meditation is a form of meditation in action.

Walking meditation can be an alternative for those who find it difficult to sit still for traditional seated meditation.

In walking meditation, the act of walking is used as the focus of meditation rather than sitting still.

Just you and your mind going for a walk. No headphones or mobile. No company or conversation. The pace is usually slow and can be practised anywhere you can walk safely, such as a quiet path, a park, or even indoors if space allows.

The practice involves paying close attention to the physical experience of walking, being aware of the sensations in the feet and legs, the rhythm of the breath, and the feeling of the body moving through space.

Mindfulness is the key aspect: Being fully present and aware of your surroundings, your movements, and your thoughts without judgment.

It is also a way to bring mindfulness into everyday activity, helping to calm the mind and bring about a state of active, open attention to the present moment.

When you finish, you feel fantastic, and it clears your head.

If you’ve never tried daily walks, give it a go for a week.


This week’s readers challenge. Send me your story, tips or questions that can be featured in upcoming newsletters.

This is the book I am currently writing, and I would like you to share the journey. I would love to hear your story and, with your consent, include it in the book, newsletter, or articles.

Each week, I will detail my ADHD writing challenges and results to get the chapters and content roughed out. Then start on the first manuscript draft.

I will insert a link Read more. for those interested in being involved. I just have to work out how to do that! . I am still working on it. Yep still sorting it out!

 I am setting up a new page on my website,

I have finished the very rough draft for all the chapters. Next week I will start on rewriting and editing Chapter 1. I am waiting to finish the link to the website page where you can read the rough drafts of each chapter.

Sharing your trials and tribulations helps everyone understand and accept we are all a bit different…together. Click here. 

Readers Review

“I really enjoyed the book, felt it was so structured and gave really practical ideas. My sister has ADHD and so does my husband, so I’m planning to share the ideas with them (neither of them are big readers), so we may just need to focus on the practical elements. Really great read”. 

Cammy A

If you haven’t downloaded the complementary PDF of the first couple of chapters, now’s your chance.

Or if you have already and want to buy a copy  

Expect the Best,

If you’ve got a second, I would love to hear your thoughts and comments. [email protected]  I reply to every email.

This site is not intended to provide and does not constitute medical, legal, or other professional advice. The content in this newsletter is designed to support, not replace, medical or psychiatric treatment. Please seek professional help if you believe you may have Mental Health Issues.


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