ADHD - Past Your Use By Date? - Jim Livingstone

ADHD - Past Your Use By Date? - Jim Livingstone


I struggled with undiagnosed ADHD for forty-six years, feeling like I didn't fit in anywhere.

Since my ADHD diagnosis, I have spent the past twenty-six years reading, researching and testing every aspect of adult ADHD with the desire to become the very best version of myself.

Here are a few things I’ve learned along the way….

ADHD - Past Your Use By Date?

As a society, we have developed a set of acceptable ages to achieve various life benchmarks and roles. Different cultures have different ideas and time frames, but the principles are the same.

We should be walking by the time we are around one year old. We should be talking by the time we are two.  

This continues as we go through different stages and ages. If we fail to fit into the rules of ‘normal,’ we are often criticised and made to feel inferior or stupid. 

Married with children by thirty. Career and financial success by forty. Retirement plans are in place by fifty.

It’s a timeline that, though perhaps unspoken, operates as a governing principle for many. It’s a set of expectations we often follow nearly as involuntarily as taking our next breath without considering the effects on our mental health and self-worth. But is there really a magic age for achieving personal and professional milestones?

History and individual experiences tell us a different story. J.K. Rowling wasn’t published until her early thirties. Colonel Sanders didn’t start the KFC franchise until he was in his sixties. Grandma Moses, known for her paintings of rural American life, began painting seriously in her 70s. She gained critical acclaim and commercial success as a folk artist in her later years.

Laura Ingalls Wilder published her first book at the age of 65. Known for her "Little House on the Prairie" series, that have become classics in American children's literature. Stan Lee, the legendary comic book writer, editor, and publisher, started creating many of Marvel's iconic superheroes, like Spider-Man and the X-Men, when he was nearly 40,

These examples highlight that "prime" can be a flexible concept, and achievements can occur at any stage of life. At each stage of our life, we tend to reinvent ourselves, and our value doesn't simply expire because we haven't met certain milestones by a certain age. 

When we adhere too strictly to these societal markers, we risk perpetuating feelings of inadequacy. It’s vital to recognise that everyone’s journey is unique, and the traditional timelines can be outdated or irrelevant to many. External pressures must not overshadow our internal compass, which guides us based on our strengths, passions, and individual circumstances.

In today’s dynamic world, jobs change, roles evolve, and personal goals shift more rapidly than ever before. Success and happiness are not confined to a specific timetable but can be pursued and achieved throughout our entire lives. It’s critical to foster an environment where deviation from the norm is not only accepted but celebrated.

So, the next time you reflect on what you haven’t achieved ‘on time’, remember there is no true expiration date on dreams, goals, and happiness. The journey, with all its unexpected twists and turns, is something to embrace. Let's redefine success and commit to living life on our own unique schedule.

Your use-by date is set by a higher power and, as far as I can tell, isn’t stamped on our body somewhere, so until that day rolls around, start doing what is in your heart, irrespective of your current age.

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Have a great day!

If you or someone you know is struggling with ADHD, send your email address to [email protected] I will send you a Free PDF copy of LATE ADHD Diagnosis- Your New Beginning

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“There is a fountain of youth: it is your mind, your talents, the creativity you bring to your life and the lives of people you love. When you learn to tap this source, you will truly have defeated age.” ~Sophia Loren

Readers Review

“All the tactics outlined in the book were really helpful to me. This is a fantastic resource to keep on hand at all times. You are not alone if you have ADHD. Take notes while reading this book”.

Alice S

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Expect the Best,

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