ADHD - Stop Doubt - Jim Livingstone

ADHD - Stop Doubt - Jim Livingstone


I struggled with undiagnosed ADHD for forty-six years, feeling like I didn't fit in anywhere.

Since my ADHD diagnosis, I have spent the past twenty-six years reading, researching and testing every aspect of adult ADHD with the desire to become the very best version of myself.

Here are a few things I’ve learned along the way….

ADHD - Stop Doubt

Stop Doubting Yourself.

Doubt is an illusion based on the fear of failure and says you are not ready, not enough, or not deserving, which undermines your desires and stops momentum.

It is a silent thief sapping your confidence and motivation. Doubt scatters your focus and energy.

Doubt distorts your view of reality; you see limitations, risks, and obstacles instead of opportunities and possibilities.

You doubt your decisions and second-guess your choices. You stop short of fully committing to your dreams and unleashing your creative ADHD power.

Doubt causes you to hesitate, and this gap between thought and execution strengthens its position and undermines your beliefs. Left unchecked, doubt weakens your resolve, clouds your vision and slows or stops your progress.

It can feel like a whisper of uncertainty in the back of the mind or as an overwhelming cloud that darkens one’s resolve.

Sometimes, doubt can appear disguised as caution or rationality, subtly reminding you of past mistakes and failures that keep you in your stunted comfort zone. To avoid risks by playing it safe all become barriers to taking action.


Some Strategies to Help Manage Doubt:


Be aware of doubt creeping into your mindset. Listen to your emotions. Ask why am I feeling…. Then find the doubt that is causing the feeling.

Recognise it, confront it with truth and courage.

Re-align your beliefs, thoughts and actions with your goals and desires.

Make your decisions from a place of belief, not doubt.

Re-focus your energy on your goals and dreams, not your doubts.

If doubt stems from a lack of knowledge, educate yourself. Challenge doubts by gathering facts and evidence that counter your self-doubts or fears.


Remember, doubts are fears masquerading as facts. However, they are merely illusions.

Stop doubting yourself and go after what you really want. Become the creator of your life, not the victim of your doubts.

Grab a copy of the CHOICE POINT template here.

Our doubts are traitors and cause us to miss the good we oft might win, by fearing to attempt.”William Shakespeare

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