Jim Livingstone ADHD Optimist.


Hello, and Welcome

I grew up feeling like the odd one out. After forty-five years of trying to fit in, I was finally diagnosed with ADHD.

Since my diagnosis, I have spent the last twenty-five years researching and actively testing a massive amount of ADHD information.

Here are a few things I’ve learned along the way….


As I dive into my seventh decade on this spinning rock, I have only just realised that I suffer from FOMO. I had thought when I first heard the term Fear Of Missing Out it was for the younger generations.

While I am sure FOMO affects a wide variety of individuals, I think I can apply it to my ADHD life. Like most ADHD brains, mine is a mega idea factory, running 24/7 with zero regard for the viability or practical side of things.

This is where my FOMO shows up, I want to try all the ideas my brain comes up with, and because that is impossible, I feel like I am missing out on some great opportunities.

I have always taken on more than I can do properly and get stressed and annoyed with myself for not being capable of doing more. Now I realise that I will always have more ideas than I can do in ten lifetimes, the challenge is to be highly selective.

Looking back, the advice I would give my younger self would be: Instead of trying fifteen different businesses with moderate success, do journalism and photography and become the best in these two professions. This would allow me to combine two careers I enjoy and indulge my passions for a wide variety of exciting sports, hobbies and unlimited new experiences that I could write about and share with like-minded people.

To develop patience and allow myself the time to learn new skills and a deeper understanding of how ADHD affects my life.

What would you tell your younger self?


  • Challenge: Write a Clear, Vivid Description of Your Major Lifetime Goals.

  • Benefit: When your goals are clearly defined, it's easier to maintain focus and avoid distractions that can divert you from your desired path.

  • Research shows that writing down goals significantly increases the likelihood of achieving them, as it boosts your ability to remember them and reinforces their importance.

  • A detailed description of your goals lays the groundwork for creating a step-by-step plan to reach them.

  • Overall, spending time to craft a clear and vivid description of your lifetime goals is a foundational step in creating a roadmap for a fulfilling life and increasing your chances of success.

I am currently writing this book, and I would like you to share the journey with me. I would love to hear your story and, with your consent, include it in the book, newsletter, or articles.

Peek Inside My Book…here is an unedited extract from Chapter 6


A system is a structured and organised arrangement designed to perform tasks efficiently and effectively.

In personal life, systems might manifest as daily routines, decision-making steps, or structured problem-solving methods. For a business, systems might include operations processes, customer relationship management (CRM) systems, or strategic planning frameworks. 

Systems are the backbone of goal attainment, providing the structure needed for people and organizations to thrive.

Systems play an important role in both personal and business contexts by providing a structured approach to help you achieve repeatable outcomes. They serve various purposes: 


Systems streamline processes, reducing the time and effort required to complete tasks. By having a set way of doing things, individuals and businesses can accomplish more with less input.


Systems ensure that tasks are performed consistently, leading to more reliable and predictable outcomes. This is particularly important in business, where inconsistent performance can lead to a loss of customer trust and revenue.


Both in personal and professional settings, systems help in tracking progress and identifying who is responsible for each part of a task. This enhances accountability and ensures responsibilities are clear.


In a business environment, systems allow for scaling operations. When a system is in place, it's easier to handle an increased workload or to grow the business without a drop in quality or performance.

Quality Control:

Systems can include checks and balances that help maintain quality standards. Consistent application of these standards ensures that the output meets the desired level of quality in both products and services.

Focus and Prioritization:

Systems help in identifying and focusing on tasks or objectives that align with personal or business goals, making it easier to prioritize and allocate resources effectively.

Stress Reduction:

By reducing the need for decision-making about routine actions, systems can decrease cognitive load and stress. Knowing what needs to be done and when can relieve anxiety and increase mental bandwidth for more complex tasks 

Performance Measurement: 

Better systems often include methods for tracking performance, which is essential for setting baselines, measuring progress, and identifying areas for improvement.

Resource Management:

Systems allow for better management of resources, including time, money, and human capital, optimizing their use and avoiding waste. 

Adaptability and Continuous Improvement:

A good system includes mechanisms for feedback and adaptation, making it possible to evolve and improve processes over time in response to changing circumstances or new insights.

Connecting with others who share your adult ADHD diagnosis can be transformative on your journey toward self-acceptance, growth, and effective management of ADHD symptoms.

The support and understanding gained from these connections can uplift your spirit, provide valuable insights and advice, and ultimately empower you to live a fulfilling life.

Embrace the power of community and remember that together, we can navigate the challenges of adult ADHD and celebrate our collective successes.


 Make it an ADHD Brain-Friendly Plan

Establish consistent routines: Develop daily and weekly routines that incorporate regular activities, such as waking up and going to bed at consistent times, scheduling meals, exercise, and specific blocks of time for work or study.

Consistency in routine helps regulate your body's internal clock and reduces decision fatigue.

Flexibility and Adaptability, understand that building structure and systems is an ongoing process that requires patience and flexibility.

 Embrace a growth mindset that allows for adjustments, experimentation, and learning from setbacks.

Adjust as needed: Recognize that everyone's ADHD experience is unique, so tailor your structure and systems to suit your specific needs.

 Be open to adapting and fine-tuning your routines and strategies as you discover what works best for you.

 Keep it simple, keep it real, and get into action.



 Þ Design your Neurodivergent Framework

 Þ Join local or online support groups dedicated to adult ADHD.

 Þ Modify your environment to support your neurodivergent brain.

 Þ Remove the clutter. Reorganise your living and working spaces to minimize distractions.

 Þ Use clear labelling and have designated spots for frequently used items.

 Þ Establish consistent daily rituals and routines to manage various activities and reduce the brain drain of planning each day.

 Þ Learn to identify and focus on what's most important using success lists or apps highlighting your top priorities.

 Þ Dedicate specific areas for different activities, such as a designated workspace for work or study and a separate area for relaxation. This separation helps signal your brain to transition between different tasks effectively.

 Þ Keep it simple and minimalist.

 Þ Test and adjust.



“My ADHD coach told me the only way to achieve success is to finish what I start. So far, I’ve finished a six pack of donuts, a bag of M&M’s and a cheese cake. I feel better already.”

Jim Livingstone

be continued next week………

Let me know what you think, the good, the bad and wtf?…link to comments on website

PS Love to hear your story if you want to share.

“You have ADHD. Make sure ADHD doesn’t have you.”

Jim Livingstone


Jim writes this to educate and help people understand the working of an ADD or ADHD brain in order to work with these inherent eccentricities rather than being limited or working against the biology and nature of this diagnosis”.

Download your complimentary PDF of the first couple of chapters.

Or, if you want to buy a copy. 

Expect the Best,

If you’ve got a second, I would love to hear your thoughts and comments. [email protected]  I reply to every email.

This site is not intended to provide and does not constitute medical, legal, or other professional advice. The content in this newsletter is designed to support, not replace, medical or psychiatric treatment. Please seek professional help if you believe you may have Mental Health Issues.


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